these are my two fave-rave long exposure images. you seee... how to do this? 1 first and foremost, you must use a tripod or some sort of super sturdy support system. 2 then you must have a medium lit room, like an interior at night with all the lights on. so let's say you put the camera on top of a telephone book and cereal box and that is on the kitchen counter, as in the picture of james above. 3 then you tell the person not to move, and push the button. 4 then you estimate when the exposure it about halfway done, and you tell them to quickly move out of the frame. this takes some experimentation to get familiar with.5 then...voila! i think it's best if you leave the exposure dial on the center position, but experiment! do it!james
time-zero film is 100 speed. if you have the dial in the back set to "dark", it takes a longer exposure than if it where to be set to "light". sometimes the exposure time is less than a second, sometimes it's 15 seconds! can you believe it? it makes for some radical results.